Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Can I Do It This Time?

Over the weekend, I went to a health expo with some girlfriends. We are starting a weight-loss challenge tomorrow and we needed to get our health stats. The weight-loss challenge goes from Aug. 15th to Feb. 15th. They need to lose weight for a wedding and I joined in b/c I need to figure a way to become more accountable to myself with losing weight.

So on Saturday morning, we went truckin downtown to get our current weight, body fat and blood pressure measured. While we were getting our body fat measured by the Bally's booth, they were trying to sell us on getting a membership to one of their gyms. One of the guys asked if I wanted to sign up and I said, "No. I don't really like gyms but I have lots of work-out videos". In turn, he said, "Really. Are they dusty?" Ouch. I didn't know ridicule was apart of their strategy. He flashes me a pearly white smile as he sends me on my way but his comment sticks in my head for most of the day. I wasn't necessarily offended by the comment but it made me think of how many times I have started and stopped an exercise regimen.

When I became unemployed, I started exercising everyday cause I was bored as hell. I also ate all of my meals at home cause I was broke. Which makes me wonder if I just need to be jobless and penniless to lose weight!

I must say, I had tons of energy when I was working out everyday and I was almost starting to love the high I got from it. I lost 18 pounds in 7 weeks and I went down one dress size. I was ecstatic but once I started working again and got back into the social game, I started slacking off. They say it takes 21 days to build a habit but I swear it takes me 21 days to build and break the habit all in one go. Luckily, I haven't gained the weight back that I lost but I know if I don't ramp it up soon, those pounds will creep back on.

I touched on this topic before in my "Weight-loss Woes" blog entry back in January. Being overweight is never about the food; lots of crazy emotions are wrapped up into my obesity. I guess I am still figuring out how to better channel dealing with my emotions. So, tomorrow is a new challenge and I really hope I can do it this time. I know that losing weight will be such a great benefit to my health but I also really just want to be able to shop on Melrose...

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